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A donation was made to a family for a new baby, and the Mom said
“I don’t know where we would be without Family Promise. We would have nothing for him. This is crazy! I don’t even know what to say”.
“I have gotten more done in one day at Family Promise then I could have gotten done by myself in two months!”
Single mom with 3 daughters
“I’m really glad I came here because a lot of good things are happening for us.”
After being sent to a local department store to buy clothes for an interview and then work, a single mom of 3 girls said,
"I feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman! Do you know how long it's been since I've bought clothes for myself? It's been about 4 years! All of my clothes are hand-me-downs from people. I don't know what to do!
A 15-year-old girl wrote about being in our Families Forward program.
"Thank you guys so much for this opportunity at Family Promise. We are so grateful for everything you guys have provided for us. A thousand thank-you's!"
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